About Us

Founded in 2020 by Chris Cusimano and Daniel Lassman, Coaching by Cusi (formerly Suit Up Agents) is a real estate marketing and sales training program that's different. We teach you proven marketing tactics so you can build a business strategy that's fun and works for your lifestyle.

How We Got Started

Chris and Dan met when they were in elementary school at Whispering Pines in Boca Raton, FL in the late 1980s and early 90s. Whether playing football at recess, teaming up in little league baseball, or causing trouble in the neighborhood (hey, we were kids), the two were buddies until they graduated from Olympic Heights High School in 2000.

Chris began his real estate career in 2002, paying his dues and doing the difficult things that most agents don't like to do. These were formative years and taught Chris that there had to be a better way.

Dan went to college and graduated in 2004 and began a career working in sports. After realizing this wasn't for him, he moved into his true work passion, digital marketing.

It wasn't until 2016 that Dan and Chris met up when Chris became his real estate agent. Dan still owns this house and now rents it out, also at Chris's advice.

Then in 2020 just before the start of the pandemic, Chris reached out to Dan and said, "Hey, I've started doing trainings online. You should check it out. Maybe we can team up." After some skepticism, and some laziness, Daniel relented and attended a training.

Dan immediately knew that what Chris was teaching was different and wanted to see where this thing could go. After six months of planning, recording and building, the first iteration of Coaching by Cusi, The Suit Up Agents, was born.

Since launching, we've helped thousands of real estate agents build their own marketing programs with proven strategies and easy-to-implement tactics.

What makes this real estate training different?

Practical, Actionable Advice

Many trainings offer theoretical knowledge, but agents need actionable steps they can implement immediately to see results. We do just that and we don’t do the things that realtors hate. We don’t cold call, door knock, buy leads, chase clients (they come to us), we don’t farm, do or work fsbos/ expired listings.

Lead Generation and Conversion

A focus on modern lead generation techniques and conversion strategies are essential for anyone to become a successful real estate agent.

The other trainings offer outdated marketing plans that works for a few yet makes the masses quit in droves. Our strategies break that chain ⛓️‍💥 by providing up to date, unique, and fun marketing techniques that require doing zero uncomfortable actions.

Time Management

Efficient time management skills will significantly impact productivity and success. We offer tools and techniques to manage time effectively would be crucial so no time is wasted ensuring that they get to their business and financial goals as quickly as possible.

Marketing Skills

Many agents struggle with marketing their services and properties effectively. Our unique training leverages human psychology and digital marketing strategies, including social media, provide a significant boost.

Technology Utilization

Understanding and utilizing real estate technology tools beyond CRM will streamline operations, maximize ROI, minimize losses, increase conversions, improve client satisfaction and thus, increase profit.

Client Relationship Management

Building and maintaining strong client relationships is key to long-term success. People hire who they admire and they admire who they know. Our techniques focuses on maximing your relatability through story telling, organized and structured conversation strategies, while developing person branding which in turn combined with customer service excellence making the agent essential, not a commodity.

Mindset and Motivation

The real estate industry can be tough, and maintaining a positive mindset and motivation is critical. Training that includes mindset coaching can help agents stay focused and resilient. We do this by leveraging high energy marketing and communicating tactics, weekly coaching/Q&A meetings for members, an community of like minded agents, and an conveniently and easily accessible app so you can get the motivation you need quickly and easily no matter where you are.

Reviews: We've got a few

Reviews are important to us and they're social proof we're doing the best we can do offer a great education for real estate agents. Head over to our Google Business Profile to read some of our reviews.