$67.00 USD

Every month

7 day trial
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Coaching by Cusi - 45-Day Video Training + Live Coaching - 7-Day Trial

Learn step-by-step how to drive leads, maximize revenue, and scale your business. No cold calling. No door knocking. No buying leads.

What you'll get:

  • 45-Day Training Course ($595 Value)
  • Suit Up Agents tasks and schedule ($100)
  • Version 2.0 ($1,200)
  • 7-Day Listing Course ($297 Value)
  • 5-Day Buyer Course ($197 Value)
  • 3x monthly working sessions ($18,000 Value)
  • Marist Lamson Social Media Training ($95 Value)
  • Susanna Medrano Mini-Training ($95)
  • Your own online merch shop (???)
  • All future trainings ($$$$$)
  • Two 1-on-1 coaching sessions after 90 days ($1,000,000)

We don't believe in contracts. If you want to cancel, just let us know and we'll take care of it for you. No questions asked. (Well, maybe a few)

What People Are Saying:

When I got my license I hounded Chris to train me. This was the best decision I could make as he has drastically changed my financial life. The daily stresses of money are no longer thanks to the tools that he uses and teaches.

Courtney F. - Boca Raton, FL

I'm 8 years in the business and my main problem is leads[...]Nobody wants to cold call[...]Just two weeks in I've gotten tons of leads. If you're interested, I definitely think you should jump in. What Chris is doing is totally different.

Nick M. - South Florida